Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Are The Advantages Of Web Based EMR?

We are living in an electronic day and age. You are probably familiar with the terms e-commerce, e-book, e-learning and e-games. All these are virtual counterparts of the real thing. And with technological innovations happening at a fast pace, it won't be surprising to know that new things are being added to the e-list. One of the recent electronic technologies is Web based EMR or electronic medical records that are accessible through the Internet.

It has gained popularity in the health care industry, mainly because it offers numerous benefits to its users. Security is one of its benefits. Medical records are supposed to be personal and confidential. An Internet-based EMR offers to secure these records in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA.

In addition to securing records, this system also ensures that your medical office data are protected. You can get rid of the anxiety from the thought of losing your files to crashed hard drives or natural calamities that can destroy your paper records. This means you can direct your attention to your main job, which is to attend to the sick. Another advantage of this system is that it aids in the streamlining of several processes that are basic to a health care facility.

If you can get access to a well-designed Certified EHR program, you can benefit from the assistance it can give with a specific procedure as well as in tasks including patient identification, billing and scheduling. And just in case you feel you are not enough of a techie to handle the system, you should know that the provider takes care of the server maintenance. Also, if you make the change to a web-based EMR at your facility, you can enjoy incentives that the government gives to those who have made such a switch.

Adding value to the use of the system is its accessibility. Since it is web-based, you can access records anywhere as long as there is Internet connection. Such feature caters to most modern day professionals who are on the go. Affordability is another benefit, perhaps the one that could wrap up the treat. By choosing a web-based system, you don't have to worry about the cost of hardware, software or server.

What you will have to set a budget for is for the initial minimal investment and monthly fees. Such is a heaven-sent to those who own or run a medical office who are feeling the economic pressures. For those who own a small or medium scale healthcare facility, a visit to the website of RevenueXL to check their EMR solutions is a good place to start. Learn what it has to offer in terms of improving your system.

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