Monday, October 8, 2012

A Quick Background On A Brake Kit

By Ping Conley

Most of us know what a brake does- it halts a moving vehicle of course. However, brakes are classified according to the vehicle type wherein it is being used. The most frequently used brakes, nevertheless, are air brake kits, which are used in bigger road vehicles like trailers, semi-trailers, trains, trucks and buses.

Air brakes were created by George Westinghouse in the 1800s. He patented his enhanced air brake model in 1872 and was at first used for railway trains. Air brakes became the standard for heavier vehicles ever since and has paved the way for the creation of automatic brakes.

Air brakes function based on compressed air, which is why it is also known as a compressed air brake system. The network is comprised of a primary compressor and compressed air storage space, a control pedal, and a service and parking brake. The parking brake comes in the shape of a drum or disc although the latter is the one that's widely used these days.

The system is also normally divided into what is known as a supply and control system. The supply system stores and channels high-pressured air into the control system and other air-operated networks in the vehicle such as the shift control and clutch pedal. The control system, meanwhile, is divided into two more brake systems, the parking brake and trailer circuits. These brakes receive compressed air from individual reservoirs for improved safety in the event of an air leak.

Brake kits and parts are available in car repair stores and from engineering parts manufacturers. Installation of the kits could also be done by companies that specialize in car tuning and Air filter for cars. Such companies may also trade these parts online. In some cases, you may even request the company's employee to come over to your house to do the parts installation for you.

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