Friday, October 5, 2012

Benefits Of Applying RAD Rapid Applicatio​n Developmen​t

By Patrice McCoy

Innovation in technology and especially those that are computer based is changing many processes. The adoption of these technologies is introducing efficiency and productivity as important features in such applications. Generally the hardware as one of the components is ever present while the software needs keep changing as newer applications are discovered. As such the software component must consistently undergo customization in order to meet the changing needs of the user. This customization involves a disciplined approach that combines various methods tools and techniques. Generally the need for time critical software product may require using an approach like RAD rapid application development.

It is obvious that the highly changeable product requirements by users demand a development process that is quick on product delivery. In this way the merchandise is not lagging behind on the user needs but is kept at par. Such an approach can speedily translate the product to suit the present user requirements. Such a methodology will imply various features that are particulate.

The methodology supports the breaking down of major components into minor manageable units. Each of these modules performs a definite task and is therefore associated to a particular function. Furthermore every module must be completed within a predefined period that translates into the total project duration. Basing on this fact the whole project duration can be determined and accomplished within certain time-frame.

Particularly within software production such a consideration of time is important. Generally modules of the software product must be delivered within some specified time. The project team will determine this and in certain cases when the deadline elapses before a deliverable is achieved the affected module or unit may be discarded.

Generally within this method every phase is time boxed and assigned to developer teams. Each team works on strict deadline to deliver a tested and quality component. This is then integrated to accomplish the bigger system. In this way effort is optimized while the quality of the product is also enhanced.

The general consideration within such a discipline involves the time quality and cost. This consideration has been known to affect the success of any project. This is what most software developers consider when executing large software projects. It is imperative that a software product is released while the user need is still there.

Comparatively the traditional approaches in software production had many shortcomings. For one using a rigid method like the waterfall was likely to deliver a product a little too late. This is because of its rigid nature that is insensitive to the ever changing needs of the user.

Ultimately the benefits gained from using RAD rapid application development as an approach to software production are numerous. Primarily the ability to fulfill the user need in a timely manner makes this approach desirable for such projects. This is as has been seen where the user requirements are highly volatile and so in equal sense require products that are delivered at par.Apparently the cost of an obsolete product is high in terms of effort expended and resources wasted. As such an approach that would ensure that the project is completed on schedule is a very suitable alternative for many developers. With such a method a product is released on time and fetches its value for money. In addition usability and acceptability are realized based on this timely delivery.

About the Author:

You can visit the website for more helpful information about Facts About RAD Rapid Application Development

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