Monday, October 8, 2012

Why An All Wheel Control Vehicle Tends To Be Expensive To Purchase And Operate

By Sharlene Fleming

The majority of the vehicles on the roads have two wheel drive system. In an all wheel control car, all the four wheels in the car are powered simultaneously by the drive train. By powering all the wheels it means more power, more traction as well as more control of the automobile. This also means that the vehicle can travel on rough terrain where two drive cars cannot normal travel.

Mostly these vehicles are marked with a symbol written 4 x 4 on the body. This symbol means that the automobile is powered on all its four wheels. Thus, both the front and rear axles are powered. 4 x 4 vehicles are also known to have better traction than their counter part the 2WD cars. These 4 x 4 cars are equipped with a power distribution system that sends power to wheels that need it more in certain situations such as when the automobile is moving on snow or on mud. This system is the reason why modern 4WD cars are moving with less difficulty in rough terrain and are having better handling.

These cars are usually heavier than two drive ones. Even though they are heavier, the weight is evenly distributed which leads to the tires having a firm grip on the road even when turning at high speed. These cars are mostly seen in parts of the world where there is harsh climate. They are also seen frequently in most rural areas all over the world.

Some all terrain vehicles have the option of changing the drive mode either from four to two drive mode or from two to four drive mode whenever drivers want. This changing option is made possible by the use of a switch which is located in the interior of the vehicle. Changing the driving mode is a good way to reduce the rate of fuel consumption. Whenever you change to 2WD, the vehicle uses less fuel than when it was in 4 x 4 mode.

A 4WD vehicle is able to detect a slippage of front wheels. When it detects, the rear wheels are immediately engaged in order to counteract the slippage. This is very vital as it helps the driver to regain control of the vehicle. This system is also very vital when it comes to the safety of the car.

An AWD car has no option of changing drive modes. Its four drive mode is permanent. Its mechanism is more complex than that of a 4WD that has the option of changing the driving modes. Although AWD cars are more complex than 4WD ones, they are both perfect off road automobiles.

When you are buying a 4 x 4 car, be aware that you will spend more on gas than a 2WD one. They consume more fuel due to their all terrain mode. They are a bit pricey compare to 2WD vehicles. These 4WD cars are also expensive to maintain.

If you love exploring the wild, then an all wheel control vehicle is the best choice for you. These cars are safer than 2WD cars especially when one is traveling in rough areas. Thats because one has more grip on the road surface than he would with a 2WD vehicle.

About the Author:

Read more about Why All Wheel Control Automobiles Are Capable Of Travelling On Rough Surfaces visiting our website.

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