Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Interested In Green Energy? This Is For You

By Henry Smith

Using different energy sources lets you reduce home costs while helping the environment. If you are looking for information on how to use green energy technology at home, continue on for some helpful tips that will show you how to go about accomplishing this.

List all of your appliances and the watts they use before talking to a professional about installing solar panels. When a professional installer is ready to outfit your home, they will be able to tell how much power you will need. This can show whether solar energy is appropriate for you.

There's lots of ways to reduce energy when you do laundry. First, turn on any moisture control settings, so the dryer powers down when laundry has dried. Set your washer on high speed spin to remove more moisture from the clothes before they go in the dryer. Be sure to clean dryer filters and check for blockages in the dryer vent.

To increase your home's energy efficiency, try weatherizing your home. A few of the most important things to do include sealing ducts, replacing windows, installing a modern water heater and adding insulation to your attic and walls. The lower energy use will also reduce your energy bill!

If you would like to live your life green, stay away from excess electric heater usage. You can invest in warmer clothes and take advantage of your fireplace or pellet stove in order to heat your living areas. Cooler air is better for sleeping anyway, because it prevents airways from becoming dry.

The power-storing batteries of your solar system should be installed close to the cells. This prevents energy from dissipating in a long cable. It also lowers the possibility of shading the cable cells and lessening their output capacity.

For those wanting to go seriously green, go with straw bale at home. Not only is straw bale inexpensive, but it also makes a great natural form of insulation. If you do not wish to build your primary home from straw, consider using straw to build other structures on your property, like sheds.

Use a solar-solar powered system to heat water. Both natural gas and electricity are inefficient heating methods, while solar water heaters use the sun to constantly heat your water. While some upgrades cost more initially, they can qualify you for deductions on your tax return for using green energy.

The aforementioned tips and techniques can help you incorporate green energy into your life. You will be saving the environment and reducing your bills at the same time. Take small steps. They will add up over time and you will find you have one of the greenest homes around.

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