Friday, October 5, 2012

Why It's Necessary To Check Your Spark Plugs Before A Road Trip

By Winnie Cox

Taking road trips may greatly benefit your mental health and social life. This is because a long drive, especially along scenic spots, may ease your mind of worries. Meanwhile, when travelling with companions, the time you spend on the road is an excellent opportunity to talk to each other and laugh together.

However, reaping the benefits of road trips would not be possible when car-related problems pop out. Be it an issue of a worn out shock absorber or the car refusing to start, these matters are enough to turn your supposedly relaxing vacation into a nightmare. On top of that, these car-related problems may also endanger your life.

How do you stop the unwanted scenarios mentioned above? Before your road trip, check the parts of your vehicle, including the spark plug. Basically, spark plugs play an important role in that they aid in the ignition of the car. They are necessary for your vehicle to start or run. Thus, to prevent unexpected car breakdowns during your trip, your spark plugs need to be in good condition.

Signs of deterioration in the performance of your spark plugs may be difficult to notice. But you don't have to wait for these signs before you change the plugs. Check your car's manual and look for the recommended plug change interval.

Basically, plug replacement interval varies with some vehicles having "long life" plugs. However, the general rule of thumb is to change the plugs after 10,000 miles. Meanwhile, as per some experts, changing spark plugs whenever your vehicle undergoes its yearly tune up is the best way to attain optimal vehicle performance. Moreover, going for better quality plugs is more cost-efficient than buying cheaper ones.

Therefore, if you are going on a road trip, do not fail to check your spark plugs. As much as possible, take your vehicle to a car servicing shop so that professionals could evaluate the state of your car and fix problems which can prevent you from having a fun and relaxing trip.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. This will be helpful to those who needs some tips and reviews about spark plugs. You can read more about spark plugs Click Here.
